Ref. No. : 71325556   
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Supply of Sgot, Sgpt, Creatanine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood Grouping, Tsh Weldon, Hba1c Weldon, Typhi Dot Crads, Uriscan Urine 10 Strips, Safe Aq Glucometer Strips, Blood Lancets, Blood Sugar, Hcg Cards, Urine Container, Swelab Diluent, Swelab Lyse, Sensacore Electrolyte Pack, Rf, Crp, Paper Roll - Items Items. Qty 16263
Tender Location : Jammu-kashmir - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 8/05/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 8/05/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Health Services/Equipments - Non-financial Services   
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