Ref. No. : 80701273   
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Supply of Angle Grinder 4 inch, H Drill Machine-Both Normal And Hammering- 10 MM, Single Phase Welding Machine-Great Yuva, Bench Vice 4 inch, Welding Helmet, H Screen, , Welding Goggle, H Gloves, Chipping Hammer, Pipe Wrench 40 inch, Pipe Wrench 18 inch, Sly Wrench 12 inch, Pipe Threading Ratchet Handle Dia Set - 5 inch, 75 inch, 1 inch, Flat File 12 inch Rough, Flat File 12 inch Smooth, Sprit Level 12 inchMAGNETIC, Chisel Octagonal 150x16-102, Chisel Flat 6 inch- 1046, Steel Rule 12 inch, Steel Tape 5 Mtr, Ballpain Hammer 800 GRAM, Ballpain Hammer 500 GRAM, Center Punch, Try Square 12 inch, Monkey Plaier, Combination Plaier -Heavy Duity- 8 inch, Nose Plaier, Neon Tester, Philips Type Screw Driver 12 inch P6-862-300, Ring Spanner, D Spanner, Drill Bit Set 1-10 Mm Set Of 19 Pcs or above, TOOL KIT METAL BOX-All In One 108 Pcs, , 24x 27 Box Spannel, Side Cutting Pliers 150 Mm, Flat Nose Plier 150 Mm, , Electrician Screw Driver 250 Mm, Electrician Screw Driver 100 Mm, Knife Taparia - Sk-1, Hammer Cross Pin 200 Gram With Handle, electric Oribtal Sander, TOOL KIT BAG As per sample, Industrial uniform -Safety Apron - as per sample
Tender Detail : Angle Grinder 4 inch,Hand Dril...
Product Note : To submit your bid online please visit :
Tender Location : Orissa (Odisha) - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Value : 1348680
Tender Closing Date : 8/02/2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 8/02/2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Education And Research Institute - Non-financial Services   
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