Ref. No. : 80478350   
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Supply of Methanol, Sodium hydroxide, Fehling A, Fehling B, Hydrochloric acid 0 1N 500ml, Methylene blue 125 ml, Sulphuric acid 500ml, Petroleum ether 500ml, Folin Ciocalteu reagent 100ml, Amino acid 250 ml, Humic acid 500g, Sea weed extract 500ml, PGPR 1kg, Vermiwash 1L, Panchagavya 1 L, Jeevamritham 1L, Moringa leaf extract 1KG, Thymic oil 10ml, Peppermint oil 30ml, Clove oil 12ml, Borage leaf extarct 100g, Cactus root extract 100g, Aluminium chloride 500g, 1 percent Potassium ferricyanide, Ferric chloride 500g, Phosphate buffer 100g, Sodium nitrite, Colchicine, DPPH 250mg, Ethylmethane sulphamate, Measuring cylinder, Conical flask 100ml, Burette 25ml, Pipette 2 ml, Separating flask 125ml, Whatman filterpaper No 1, Whatman filterpaper No 42, Mortar pestle, Muslin cloth, Vernier calliper manual, Microcentrifuge, Water bath, Top pan balance, Secatur falcon, Budding knife, Khuripi, Watering can round, Coconut rope roll, Trimmur line roll, H gloves VNS Size 10 CE pair, Reti big size, Wheel barrow, Seed tray, Sprayer foots, Nursary poly bags in kg, Urea 50kg, DAP, MOP, SSP, Rogor 200ml, Tricel 100ml, Bavistin 100g, Blitox, Hijack 1L, Chloropyriphos 1 kg, Cocopeat blooks, Rose water can, Sintax water tank, Parafilm, Phenol red, Sodium thiosulphate, Screw capped test tube glass, Bromothymol blue, TTC, Thymol crystals, Bromine water, Trichloroacetic acid, Casein hydrolysate, Non absorbent cotton, Calcium phosphate, Orthophosphoric acid, Nesslers reagent, Picric acid, Pikovskaya agar, Pseudomonas isolation agar, Eosin methylene blue agar, Micropipette tips packets, Latex gloves, Azomithine H 1L, DTPA 100G, Calcium chloride dihydrate 100g, IBA 5G, NAA 5G
Tender Detail : Methanol,Sodium hydroxide,Fehl...
Product Note : To submit your bid online please visit :
Tender Location : Nagaland - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Value : 500000
Tender Closing Date : 20/02/2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 20/02/2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Education And Research Institute - Non-financial Services   
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