Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcHealth Services/EquipmentsTender ValueINR 1 Crore
LocationMadhya Pradesh - India Ref.No80949522
Closing Date25 - Feb - 2025
Supply of Medicine Surgical And Suture and Hospital Material Pathology Item General Item and Machinery Equipment -15.29 Suture Needles Curved 1/2 Circle Round BodyAssorted Size 1-5 1 Pc, 15.3 Suture Needles Curved 1/2 Circle Round BodyAssorted Size 16-20 1 Pc, 15.31, Synthetic Absorbable Suture 1 With 1/2 Circle Taper Cut Needle, (H) Size 1 40mm Length 90cm Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) (12 Foils, Per Pkt), 1 Pc, 15.32, Synthetic Absorbable Suture 2/0 With 1/2 cir RB needle Size2/0, 30mm length 90cm-Polyglycolic acid (PGA)12 foils / pkt 1 Pc, 15.33, Synthetic Absorbable Suture 2/0 With 1/2 cir RB needle Size2/0, 40mm length 90cm-Polyglycolic acid (PGA)Pack of 12 foils 1 Pc, 15.34 Syringe with Needle(10ml Each), Needle Disposable 1 Pc, 15.35 Syringe with Needle(1ml Each), Needle Disposable 1 Pc, 15.36 Syringe with Needle(20ml Each), Needle Disposable 1 Pc, 15.37 Syringe With Needle(2ml Each), Syrings Disposable 1 Pc, 15.38 Syringe With Needle(3ml Each), Syrings Disposable 1 Pc, 15.39 Syringe with Needle(5ml Each), Needle Disposable 1 Pc, 15.4 System for delivering saturated atomized steam for, decontamination of surfaces 1 Pc, 15.41 Themacol box (25cmx21cm) 1 Pc, 15.42 Thermacol Box (Size 9''x6''x6'') 1 Pc, 15.43 Thermometer Manually for fever tamprature 1 Pc, 15.44 thread real for suture Cotton 1 Pc, 15.45 Three Layer Surgical Mask(Box of 100 mask) Disposable 1 pkt, 15.46 Tips for Auto Pippetes 10 to 100 Micro Litres 1 Pc, 15.47 Tissue Roll paper (13cm) 1 Pc, 15.48 Toilet Brush Super Quality 1 Pc, 15.49 Toilet Cleaner Compound 1 Pc, 15.5 TONOMETER SCHIOTZ 1 Pc, 15.51 Torch plasic body With three Cell ISI Market Medium 1 Pc, 15.52 Torch plasic body With two Cell ISI Market Medium 1 Pc, 15.53 Tourniquet with Belt (MFG by Precious Life Care Pvt Ltd)(good, quality pairs) 1 Pc, 15.54 Towel Mayo Forcep Size 8 to 15 1 Pc, 15.55 Troch chargable Electric LED Large 1 Pc, 15.56 Troch chargable Electric LED Midium 1 Pc, 15.57 Troch chargable Electric LED Small 1 Pc, 15.58 Tuberculin syringe 1 Pc, 15.59 Tubercullin vial 1.5 TU P.P.T 5 ml 1 Pc, 15.6 Tubercullin vial 10 TU P.P.T 5 ml 1 Pc, 15.61 Tubercullin vial 2 TU P.P.T 5 ml 1 Pc, 15.62 Tubercullin vial 5 TU P.P.T 5 ml 1 Pc, 15.63 Typhoid Test Card Single Test for Widdal 1 Pc, 15.64 Umbical Cord Clamps - Plastic Material (Box Of 100 Clamps) 1 Pc, 15.65 Uric acid (End Point) Pack of 10x10ml 1 Pc, 15.66 Urinary Catheter 2 Way Size 8 Foleys 1 Pc, 15.67 Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 16 Foleys 1 Pc, 15.68 Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 18 Foleys 1 Pc, 15.69 Urinary Catheter 3 Way Size 20 Foleys 1 Pc, 15.7 Urinary Catheter 3 Way size 22 Foleys 1 Pc, 15.71 Urinary Catheter Pediatrics Size 10 Foleys 1 Pc, 15.72 Urinary Catheter Silkolatex 2 Way Sterile, Non Toxic Size 10, Foleys 1 Pc, 15.73 Urinary Catheter Size 16 2 Way Foleys 1 Pc, 15.74 Urinary Catheter(3 Way Size 12), Surgical Material Foleys 1 Pc, 15.75 Urinary Drainage Bag (Paediatric)(100 ml / pc, Each) 1 Pc, 15.76 Urinary Drainage Bag 2 litre Cap With Non Return Valve (EO, Sterile) 1 Pc, 15.77 Urinary Drainage Bag Cap With Non Return Valve (EO Sterile)(2, litre, Each) 1 Pc, 15.78 Urine Caontainer Sterile 30ml pack of 100 1 Pc, 15.79 Urine collection bag Adult Standard company 1 Pc, 15.8 Urine collection bag chlild Standard company 1 Pc, 15.81 Urine collection bag Neonatal 50 ml Standard company 1 Pc, 15.82 Urine Container 5ml Disposable (50 per pkt) 1 Pc, 15.83 Urine Pan Female with Cover (Made of Stainless Steel) 1 Pc, 15.84 Urine Pan Male with Cover (Made of Stainless Steel) 1 Pc, 15.85 Vaginal Speculam SS Cusco Large 1 Pc, 15.86 Vaginal Speculam SS Cusco Medium 1 Pc, 15.87 Vaginal Speculam SS Cusco Small 1 Pc, 15.88 VDRL Shaker 1 Pc, 15.89, Ventilator Neoatal & Pediatric - Volume cycle ventilator, , microprocessor based assisted controled short term for prolonged, ventilation can be provide, volume delivery 20 ml to 2000 ml, CMV, SIMV, ASB, PEEP, CPAP Modes easy to handle and, operational, electrically operated, Air Compresson Should be, provided along with the ventilator miounted on same trolley, , nebulizer & Humidifier both adult and pediatric, UPS System and/, or battary backup for compressor and ventilator, Adult, Pediatric, and neonatal breating cicuits (Each) Alarms display facillity, FIO2, Dispaly Digital Display- all set parameter should be display, automatically, 1 Pc, 15.9 Vicryl Suture Polyglactin 30 mm 1/2 Circle Round Body 90 cm, Size 1/0(12 Foils/ Pkt), 1 Pc, 15.91 Vicryl Suture Polyglyconic suture 110 cm No.2-0 pack of 12 foils 1 Pc, 15.92 Vicryl Suture Polyglyconic suture 190 cm No.1-0 pack of 12 foils 1 Pc, 15.93 Viscoelastic material - made by reputed company guaranted ETO, sterlized, Prefilled Glass Syring 3ml 1 Pc, 15.94 Visiter Chair Three Seater Mettalic with handle (SS) 1 Pc, 15.95 Voltage Servo Stabilizer three Phase 50 kva 1 Pc, 15.96 VTM - Hi - Media With 2 Swab (For Swine Flu) VTM Standard, Kit(3ml Vial with 2 Regular Swabs) 1 Pc, 15.97 wall fan -18 " Complete & Instaltion charge (Standard ISI/
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