Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcEducation And Research InstituteTender ValueN.A.
LocationRajasthan - India Ref.No80507311
Closing Date21 - Feb - 2025
Supply of Football (Q3), Tennis Ball (Q3), Volleyball Net as per IS 3345 (Q4), Badminton Racket (Q3), Table Tennis Ball (V2) (Q4), Chess Board (Q3), Volleyballs as per IS 4171986 (Q3), Cricket gloves (Q3), socks (Q3), Fitness Tube (Q3), Measuring Tape (V2) (Q4), Cricket Bat (Q3), Badminton Net as per IS 3345 (Q4), Sports Abdominal Guard (Q3), Step Hurdle (Q3), Kick / Punching (Bag) - Gymnastics (Q3), Tennikoit Ring (Q3)
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