| Sector | abcEducation And Research Institute | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Gujarat - India | Ref.No | 80478763 | Closing Date | 21 - Feb - 2025 | | | Supply of laboratory equipment - computer controlled servo hydraulic compression testing machine , mortar needle penetrometer, jolting apparatus with accessories, hydraulic shrinkage determination, rcc wall core cutting machine, cement mortar mixer, vibrating hammer for concrete mould, u shape box apparatus , l-box apparatus, fill box apparatus-kajima test, wheel borrow (deep), rapid chloride ion permeability test apparatus, for laboratory, cement mortar mould-70.6 x 70.6 x 70.6, cement mortar mould-50 x 50x 50, cement mortar mould-100 x 100x 100, plastic curing tank for concrete moulds, "accelerated curing tank (48 cubes), , ", laboratory cement autoclave , muffle furnace , hand gloves for oven, all in one computer system with printer, |
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