Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcEducation And Research InstituteTender Value 11.24 Lakhs approx.
LocationUttaranchal - India Ref.No79779608
Closing Date29 - Jan - 2025
Supply of Cast net, Fish seed Packaging polyethene, H operated siphoning pipes, Aquascaping Tools Kit, Screwdriver wrench set, Silicone adhesive, Glass cutter-diamond, Glass handling gloves, Circular cutting drill bit, Artificial PVC aquarium grass or foliage mats, Aquarium s, Flat- round air stones, PVC pipes, Ornamental fish feed packets, LED lights for indoors algal culture, Mini haxsa, Weighing balance 2, Small or Pocket weighing balance, Oxygen cylinders, Oxygen cylinder pipe, Hand-drill set, Portable LCD Monitor Underwater, Azacitidine, Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit, Ammonia Test Kit, Alkalinity Test Kit, Total Hardness Test Kit, Nitrite Test Kit, Nitrate Test Kit, Calcium Hardness test Kit, pH test kit, Phosphate test kit, Silica test kit, Whole genome sequencing of fish, fin tissue, Custom DNA Synthesis Primer 25unmol, NGS sequencing, Next-generation sequencing-Aeromonassalmonicida whole genome sequencing
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