Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcSecurity ServicesTender Value 1.66 Lakhs approx.
LocationNot Classified - India Ref.No79244463
Closing Date08 - Jan - 2025
Supply of Blood Sedimentation rate pippette Western graduated from 0-200 mm in 1 mm divisions, Glass cover 22 mm x 25 mm 0 4 mm thick, for double cell counting chamber, Micropipettes, fixed volume 500ul, Micropipettes, fixed volume 1000ul, Micropipette Variable Volume 5ul to 50ul, Micropipette Variable Volume 50ul to 200ul, Micropipettes, tips for 1 to 200 ul, Micropipettes, tips for 500 to 1000 ul, Paper filter round Greens No 795 9cm, Paper filter square Greens No 795, Pencil, marking glass, Semi auto haematology cell counter, diluting Obliuq washing solution for, Semi auto haematology cell counter, printing paper roll for, Semi auto analyser wash solution for, Semi auto analyzer printing paper roll for, Slide, microscope, thickness 1 15 to1 35 mm, size 75 mm x 25 mm, Paper Litmus Red, Paper Litmus Blue, Tube, Wintrobe, graduated 0-10 cm in 1 mm divisions downwards for sedimentation rate upwards for determining haematocrit value, Powder free Gloves, Latex, Gamma Irridation, Size 7, Acetone Commercial, Acetic Acid Glacial Analar, Acid Hydrochloric, arsenic free, Acid Sulfuric Commercial, Alcohol Amyl, Alcohol Dehydrated, Aluminium foils of 9 mtr, Alcohol Methyl, Antistreptolysin O test latex agglutination principle, complete with control Serum
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