Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcBanking and Mutual Funds and Leasings Tender ValueINR 3.40 Crore approx.
LocationTelangana - India Ref.No79236247
Closing Date17 - Mar - 2025
Sale of Industrial Properties, Plant & Machinery, 50 Bags Capacity MS Tanks - 6, Husk and Paddy Sylos MS -1, Dryer (300 Bags Capacity) -1, 2.5 TPH. Second Hand Boiler-1, 250 KVA Transformer -1, Paddy Cleaner Cum Aspirator -1, 10" Manual Rubber Sheller-1, Husk Aspirator Seperator - 10 Trays, Destoner with Aspirator -1, Whiteners - 2, Rice Grader Cum Aspirator -1, Elevators with Bucket Conveyors, Plane Sifter with Motors -2, Length Grader with Motor -1, New Panel Board -1, FRK Machine - 1, 360 Channel Colour Sorter Machine Orange - 1, QUBE 180 Channel Colour Sorter Machine+ Cabin -1, Screw Compressors - 2, 125 KVA DG (Diesel Generator) Set - Ashok Leyland - 1, etc.
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