Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcHealth Services/EquipmentsTender ValueINR 15 Lakhs
LocationRajasthan - India Ref.No78577242
Closing Date10 - Dec - 2024
Supply of Lab Items, Diamond Marker Pen, Filter Paper, Lens Paper, Tissue Paper Or Tissue Roll, Dropping Bottle, Silica Jell, Drying Rack, Bio Medical Waste Bin, Bio Waste Bag, Glass Slide, Sputum Container, Sulphuric Acid 98.99% (qualicheme / Merk), Basic Fuchsion 25gm (qualicheme / Merk), Carbolic Acid (phenol), Absolute Ethanol, methylene Blue 25gm, Methylated Sprit, Heavy Liquid Paraffin Oil, Auramine 0, Potassium Permaganate, Hydrochloric Acid 100%, Slid Box 100 Slide, Slid Box 50 Slide, Slid Box 25 Slide, Examination Gloves, Falcon Tube, Cotton, Soap, Wash Bottles, Forceps Chital, Lab Coat, Conical Flask, Beaker 1000ml, Beaker 500ml Borosil, Beaker 1000ml Borosil, Sodiam Hypochloride, Staining (aluminium) Road, Hand Wash, Hand Sanitizer, Ppe Kit Complete, Spirit Lamp.
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