Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcSafety Equipment\ExplosivesTender ValueN.A.
LocationTamil Nadu - India Ref.No78523622
Closing Date20 - Dec - 2024
Supply of Rotary flask, Separating funnel, Iodine flask, Digital Micro pipette, Adjustable micro pipettee, Syringe-normal, Torch for ICP OES, Syringe10 mirolit, for GCMSMSPART NO 5181 1267, Filament for GCMSMSPART NO G7005 60061, Liner, splitlessPART NO 5190 3164, Septa, for GCMSMSPART NO 5182 3413, Column nut for GCMSMSPART NO 5181 8830, Blue screw caps for GCLOT NO 273172, Vials for GCMSMSPART NO 5188 6535, PVC Pump Tubing Black BlackPart no 3710027200 for ICPOES, Pump oil for GCMSMS PART NO 51915851, Sodium hypochloride solution 1000ppm, Ferrous ammonium sulphate, Syringe filter paper, Molybdenum std solun 1000 ppm 100 ml ICP OES, Glass Dropper, Beaker, Ammonium chloride anhydrous merk 250 gram, Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, Diphenyl carbazide, Potassium dichromate, Abel flashpoint standard, toluene, Glass or polypropylene cartridge, Aspergine proline broth, Buffered peptone water, Bile esculin azide agar, Chromogenic coliform agar, Cooked meat medium, Deoxy cholate citrate agar, Differential reinforced clostridial, Milk agar, Muller kumffer tetrathionate broth, Sabrouds dextrose broth, Selenite F broth, TCBS agar, Lysine Dihydrolase broth, MR-VP medium, Hugh- lefsion medium, Malonate broth, Phenylalanine agar, Simmons citrate agar, Tryptophan broth, Tryptone water, Triple sugar iron, Urea agar, Nitrate broth, Mkttn supplementry, Coagulase, Egg yolk tellurite emulsion, Oxidase disc, Molitlity test medium, Indole Kovacreagent, Barrits reagent A, Barrits reagent B, Methyl Red, Sulphanilic acid 0 point 8percent, Alpha naphthylamine, Grams staining, Iodine Resublimsed, Sodium sulphite, Hydrogen per oxide, Agar agar, Ferric citrate, Salicin, Lactose, Mannitol, Dulcitol, Sucrose, Dextrose, Alkaine saline peptone water, Vibrio chromogenic agar, Saline lysine Decarboxylase medium, Saline arginine Decarboxylase medium, ONPG, Saline Tryptophan medium, Saline nutrient agar, Dichloran Rosebengal chloramphenicol agar, Durhams tube, Sterile cotton swab stick, Paraffin liquid, Disposable bag SmallSIZE 10X6, Disposable bag medium SIZE 14X20, Test tube st, Isopropyl alcohol, Anaerobe indicator tablet, Anaerobe gas pack, wash bottle, Hygiene disinfectant liquid, Dettol liquid, Virosil pharma, Screw cap bottle, Rimless Test tube, Test tube cap, Autoclave chemical indicator, Autoclave biological indicator, Oven chemical indicator, Oven biological indicator bacillus atropaeus, Sterile Cellulose nitrate filter 0 point 45micron 47mmdia microbiological grade, Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate, Potassium monohydrogen orthophosphate, Magnesium sulphate hepta hydrate, Ammonium nitrate, Nacl, Potassium sulphate, propylene oxide, Sodium Hypochloride 1 perc Solution, Hydroboric acid AR, Manganous sulphate mono hydrate, Merck, Hexane, AR, Pentane, AR, Methyl tert butyl ether, AR
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